If you are like me, you love the frosty look of a beer mug. Do you want to do it at home? Then you need to know how to chill a beer glass, and probably you would add: and fast, please.
As many “simple” things, there is a good and a bad way to do it. The challenge to frost a beer mug is to do it quick and without cracking the cold glass.
I like to be my home bar owner and play with these things. I have tried several methods, and in this article I’m glad to share three ways with tips on how to frost a beer mug without breaking it or checking every 5 minutes if it’s done.
So, if you’re worried that chilling a beer glass might be risky or take too much time, then read on!
Should Beer Glasses Be Chilled?
As much as I can help you with this answer, I have to say “it depends”. Whether to frost the glass of beer depends on the temperature and the type of beer.
Let’s imagine a first scenario: you are in very hot conditions, like a very hot summer day. The temperature of the beer will rise rapidly once it is opened. In this case, chilling the mug beforehand will help you enjoy the cold beer for longer. So, yes, pouring it in a frosty mug will combat those summer conditions.
Useful Tip:
Another very effective way to keep the cold temperature of your beer is to use a beer chiller stick: the frozen gel inside the stainless steel tube maintains the beer cold to the last drop:

Why Not To Chill A Beer Glass
Now, let’s see a second scenario: It’s not that hot and you get your bottle directly from the fridge. The beer is already cold and it is not a must to have frosted the glass. You can drink it in a normal glass or from the bottle itself (if you prefer).
Finally, there is a third scenario: You are drinking a strong-tasting beer. Most experts would agree that this type of beer is best enjoyed at a temperature range of 45 – 55 degrees Fahrenheit, or 8 – 12 degrees Celsius, which enhances the taste. In this case, it is not recommended to chill the mug.
There is another thing to consider: a frosted glass is not the same as a frozen glass.
Frosted Beer Mug Instead Of Frozen
When you frost a mug, you want a thin film of frost on the glass. This is what happens early in the process of chilling the mug.
If you leave (or forget) the mug in the freezer for too long, it will freeze, and it will end up with a thick layer of ice on it.
A frozen glass is too cold and will alter the real flavors of the beer, and it is definitely not advisable.
When pouring the beer in a frozen glass will create excessive foam and even overflow, with the consequent loss of carbonation and texture.
Honestly, when I first heard the difference between a frosty and a frozen glass related to drinking beer I thought it was unimportant, but if you test it, you’ll see that there is a difference.
How to frost but not freeze a glass is a matter of some experience. Let’s move on.
How Do You Chill A Glass Of Beer At Home
When it comes to chilling drinking glasses at home, you have a few options. The obvious way is using the freezer, but you can also use the fridge.
And there are also some other methods that we’ll see later on.
Do You Chill Glasses In The Fridge Or The Freezer?
Both options are valid. The trick is to find the right balance between chilling time and temperature.
1. If you put the glass in the fridge it will take longer to chill, but there is less risk of freezing it or cracking the glass.
This method works best when the beer is already cold. If you want to know some tips to chill beer quickly in the fridge, then you won’t want to miss this article “How Long To Chill Beer In The Fridge (And How To Speed It Up!)”!
2. On the other hand, if you use the freezer, it will chill faster and you’ll get a nice thin film of frost on top. But there is a risk of freezing and cracking, even breaking the glass.
If you are going to use the freezer to cool the glass, you will surely be interested in how to make a quick chill of your beer. In our article on “How Long To Chill Beer In The Freezer (Before Ruin It!) – Step By Step Explosion-Free Guide”, we’ll provide you with expert tips on achieving the perfect chilled beer without risking any damage.
Let’s go and examine how to do both processes in detail, together with my recommended tips.
How To Properly Frost Beer Glasses In The Freezer
You can definitely put beer glasses in the freezer, just be sure to follow the recommended tips below to be make it fast but safe.

- Never put a hot or warm drinking glass in the freezer, the temperature shock can crack it or break it. This can happen after removing the glass from the dishwasher or washing it with hot water.
- Set a timer: Don’t let the glasses freeze. They can get attached to the freezer and break. And as we mentioned earlier, it can cause too much foam, and therefore a loss of carbonation, resulting in a flat beer.
- If you open the freezer door several times during the process, the frost will form on the glass quickly, providing a very refreshing frosty look.
- Use thicker mugs instead of crystal glasses. Crystal is thinner and can break easily.
- Protect the drinking glass inside a zip bag for three reasons. First, to avoid any odor. Second, to prevent the glass from sticking to the freezer surface. Third, in the event of glass breakage, you’ll have minimized the disaster and all the small pieces will be inside the bag (hopefully).
How Long To Chill A Beer Glass In The Freezer
The following chilling times are valid for a freezer that is at the recommended temperature: 0ºF or -18ºC.
It takes about 30 – 60 minutes to chill a beer mug in the freezer.
Are you in a rush and want to do it quicker? Fill your glass with cold water and ice, then put it in the freezer. Your chilled glass will be ready in about 5 – 10 minutes.

Do you want to do it even faster? Get a wet paper towel and wrap your glass, then put it in the freezer. It will be chilled in about 2 – 4 minutes. This is the fastest way!
Safety Tip:
When using the damp paper towel trick, be sure to place the drinking glass in the zip bag as recommended above: If not, the water can cause the glass to stick to the freezer surface, which may result in breakage and potential injury.
How Do You Chill Beer Glasses In The Fridge
You can put a glass of beer in the fridge to have it cold. It will take 3 – 4 hours to be chilled.
If you want the frosty film, you can use the wet paper towel method too.
In fact, the fridge is a perfect place to leave some glasses to have them always ready for a cold brew.
If you don’t have enough space or are afraid of that they will pick bad odors, use a dedicated beer chiller for your beers and glasses. Like this one that is highly rated on Amazon:

3rd Method: Using a Freezer Bag
- Fill a freezer bag with ice and place your beer glass inside the bag.
- Close the bag and shake it around to ensure that all areas of the glass are being exposed to the ice.
- Chilling time: This should chill your beer glass in 3 – 4 minutes.
4th Method: Soaking The Glasses In An Ice Bath
Finally, you can use this method to avoid any risk of breakage.
- Fill a large bowl or container with ice and water, then place the glass inside.
- Chilling time: Let it soak for 5 minutes until cool. Make sure that all parts of the glass are submerged in the ice bath.
- Remove the chilled glass with tongs and dry it off before using.
If you need to not only cool the glass but the beer itself, you can read our comprehensive guide “How To Chill A Beer Fast – 11 Ways & Chilling Times”. Discover 11 practical methods to do at home and outdoors, along with its pros & cons, and their average chilling times.
Conclusion: How To Chill A Glass Of Beer
In conclusion, chilling your beer glass fast is something you can do at home to enhance the coldness of your next beer.
It can be easy and safe with the right techniques, either using the freezer, the fridge or a bucket with ice and cold water.
Now you can impress your friends with your newfound chilling skills.